Den forunderlige dansk/norske sangerinde Jullie Hjetland & Basco med Ale Carr, Andreas Tophøj, Hal Parfitt-Murray og Anders Ringgaard Andersen er igen pladeaktuelle med ialt 14 tracks fortolkninger, sagn og myter fra det gamle Norden så det damper af frygt og spænding, kærlighed, glæde, sorg og had…
Bascos gnistrende spil, Jullies lysende stemme og en håndfuld skandinaviske forfattere har givet gamle nordiske viser liv på ny og forløser de hvirvlende melodier: med stemninger fra hurtige skotske reels, flyvende norske hallingdanse, polkaer under den danske sommer og elverpigernes ekko i de dybe svenske skove. Gennem den vilde og skønne strømmende inspiration glimter også alverdens musik, som de 5 musikere har hørt, spillet, danset, dyrket og elsket.

Jullie Hjetland: Vocals
Ale Carr: Cittern
Andreas Tophøj: Violin, Viola
Hal Parfitt-Murray: Violin, Mandolin
Anders Ringgaard Andersen: Accordion, Trombone
Mixed and Recorded by August Wanngren at The Village, Denmark
Mastered by Thomas Eberger at Stockholm Mastering, Stockholm, Sweden
Cover Artwork by Lynne Weiss Drescher
The prize winning nordic quintet is made up of Scottish multi-instrumentalist Hal Parfitt-Murray, the danish ”spillemænd” Andreas Tophøj and Anders Ringgaard, the virtuoso citternist Ale Carr and the irrepressable Danish/Norwegian singer Jullie Hjetland, and together they rework folk-tales and legends from Scandianavia so they steam with fear and love, violence and merryment, hate and sadness.
Basco and Jullie have given the old stories from the North new life with the help of a handful of authors from the Nordic countries, counterpointing the tales with elements of smoky Scottish reels, flying Norwegian halling dances, polkas from a Danish summer night, and the echos of the trolls in a deep Swedish forest.
Releases as
CD & 32p. Booklet (DK/UK)
Vinyl (by 1. june 2021)
Digital streaming/downloads
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