Release på Tønder Festival 2019 SCOTIA NOSTRA – Gammel Venskab Robert Burns i Danmark GO0519


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Robert Burns (1759-96) folkets digter fra Skotland, inspirerede bl.a. Byron, Beethoven, Britten, Steinbeck, Aakjær og Kirk. Robert Burns’ fødselsdag d. 25. januar fejres verden over. En ‘Burns Supper’ byder på skotsk mad, sange, digte, whisky, taler og dans. Siden 1989 … Læs resten

Ny music video fra Trolska Polska – Tumult

The Danish/Swedish troll-folk band Trolska Polska proudly presents their new epic music video for Tumult – the first single foreshadowing the award-winning septets third album (to be released in spring of 2020).

The video is a visual glimpse into the musical world of Trolska Polska; a world where trolls exist – sometimes in plain sight! This vision is brought to life with the help of the accomplished Danish make-up artist Anders Lerche and some of the world-famous troll sculptures by Danish scrap-artist Thomas Dambo…

The idea for this video was actually born out of our admiration for Thomas Dambos troll-art; more specifically the ”Six Hidden Giants” that Dambo built on different locations all over “Vestegnen” (a large area of several municipalities bordering Copenhagen) back in 2016. As a troll band largely based in this region, naturally we have been wanting to do ”something” with these sculptures for years. Last spring we started brainstorming about this video, and with the blessing of Thomas Dambo and the help and support of Hvidovre Kommune, Teater Vestvolden and a bunch of great voluntary extras we finally made it happen this summer!” says Mads Kjøller-Henningsen – flautist, bagpiper, and hurdy-gurdyist in Trolska Polska.

Furthermore Trolska Polska will perform a very special concert at the location of one of the giants – “Bakketop Trine” – on the 12th of September celebrating her three year birthday sitting on the hill of Quark Nature Center.

The video was filmed, edited and produced by Uffe Birk in cooperation with Teater Vestvolden and the support of DJBFA and Hvidovre Kommune. Tumult is composed by Martin Seeberg and arranged by Trolska Polska – as per usual.

Trolska Polska – Tumult GO0819 (digital singletrack)


Martin Seeberg – viola, fiddle, composer.

Lasse Væver Jacobsen – nyckelharpa, viola d’amore, fiddle

Mads Kjøller-Henningsen – flutes, hurdy-gurdy, bagpipe

Søren Vinther Røgen – 12-stringed guitar, mandolin

Magnus Heebøll – percussion, tabla, jawharps

Alexandra Nilsson – cello, fiddle, song

Malte Zeberg – doublebass, mandolin

10 års jubilæumsudgivelse -Tradish – Handmade Tales GO0619


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I 2019 fejrer Tradish 10-års jubilæum med deres 3. udgivelse ”Handmade tales”: – 15 håndlavede numre udført på håndlavede akustiske instrumenter, 15 fortællinger med hver sin historie. Tradish er: John Pilkington: vokal, guitar, bouzouki Louise Ring Vangsgaard: vokal, violin, viola … Læs resten

Release Spöket i Köket – Château du garage release 13th April 2019.


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Nordic-Canadian inspired lounge-rave folk music Spöket i köket (Ghost in the kitchen- Le fantôme dans la cuisine!), is one of the heaviest folkbigband on the Nordic folk music scene. A Swedish/Danish/Belgian lounge-rave orchestra gathering dancing tunes and ballads from the … Læs resten

Spöket i Köket


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Ny single -”Light is dim / Hommage a frére pigeon”, feat Åkervinda , GO0219-1 Release på alle digitale services onsdag den 20 marts. 2019 “Svensk/dansk/belgiske Spöket i Köket et sandt overflødighedshorn af fyrig, fængende og formidabel folk! På dette track … Læs resten