En dokumentarisk optagelse af spillemanden Chris Jerup
Denne optagelse fortæller en af de mange historier om, hvordan musik rejser fra tid og sted til en anden – og i dette tilfælde tilbage igen gennem en periode på næsten 200 år og 4 generationer, fra Danmark til USA til Danmark,
Fra den danske spillemand Kræn Jerup til er hans søn Chris Jerup, til Chris Jerups datter og svigersøn Mary og Clarence Lamb til deres søn Dwight Lamb og nu som nutidens standardrepertoire af danske traditionelle folkemusikbands som Gangspil, Jensen & Bugge m.fl..
Chris Jerup (1872-1961) forlod Danmark i 1893 til USA. Han medbragte sin violin, sin harmonika og et hoved fuld af dansemelodier fra hjemegnen i Vendsyssel. Hans far, Kræn Jerup (1826-1912) havde været en stor spillemand i Vendsyssel: han tækkede stråtag om dagen og spillet violin om natten – og givet sine melodier videre til sin søn Chris.
Chris Jerup landede i Turin, Iowa, USA for at arbejde på en farm. Senere flyttede han, fik sin egen gård og familie i Moorhead, The Loess Hills i det sydvestlige Iowa,
Chris Jerup solgte sin gård i 1943 og flytter ind hos datteren Mary lamb, hans svigersøn Clarance Lamb. og deres 12-årige søn Dwight Lamb. Mary spillede på pumpeorgel (også på optagelsen) og Clarance spillede violin.
Dwight Lamb.(1934-2024) vokser således op i en musikalsk familie med sin bedstefars danske repertoire, der spiller violin og harmonika. Det er også Dwight Lamb, der har lavet denne optagelse af sin bedstefar, der spiller melodierne akkompagneret af sin mor og en ven af huset.
Dwight lamb og hans danske repertoire blev opdaget i Danmark omkring 2006.
I 2008 formår de danske musikere Mette Kathrine Jensen og Kristian Bugge at mødes for første gang med Dwight på Nisswa-Stämman Scandinavian Folk Music Festival i Minnesota.
Derefter har de fortsat nydt at spille koncert sammen i DK og USA
Dwight anses for at være en “kilde”-musiker for sin “Missouri Valley”-stil af spillemandskab og sit danske Chris Jerup – repertoire.
I 2017 blev han tildelt et National Fellowship fra National Endowment for the Arts.
I Danmark fik anerkendelsestitlen “Rigsspillemand” for at bevare den traditionelle folkemusik.
Hans arbejde er tilgængeligt på Missouri Valley Music og www.folkshop.dk
Dwight døde i 2024, men hans optrædener og repertoire er bredt dokumenteret og fortsat til stor inspiration for den nye generation af traditionelle folkemusikere.
Disse unikke, gamle optagelser fra 1950’erne blev for nylig fundet, er blevet redigeret, renset og masteret og udgives nu til offentligheden for første gang.
Et vigtigt og berømt stykke dansk musikhistorie får nu et soundtrack tilgængeligt for mulige inspiration og baggrundsdokumentation.
1. Dagmar (Lynn Holsclaw)
2. Old Spinning Wheel (Lynn Holsclaw)
3. Pig in the Parlor / Mallebrok (Lynn Holsclaw)
4. Schottish 3 / Madvig (Lynn Holsclaw)
5. Galop (Lynn Holsclaw)
6. Tennessee Waltz (Lynn Holsclaw)
7. Spanish Two Step (Lynn Holsclaw)
8. Solo Polka (Lynn Holsclaw)
9. Storm (Lynn Holsclaw)
10. Mette’s opposite polka (fiddle) (Lynn Holsclaw)
11. Mette’s favorite polka / polka 2 (fiddle) (Lynn Holsclaw)
12. Nobody’s Darling But Mine (fiddle) (Lynn Holsclaw)
13. Where has my little dog gone (fiddle) (Lynn Holsclaw)
14. Schottish 1 / Uncle Pat’s (fiddle) (Lynn Holsclaw)
15. Galop (fiddle) (Lynn Holsclaw)
16. Schottish after Chris Jerup / Flop Eared Mule (fiddle) (Lynn Holsclaw)
17. Pat’s New Schottish (fiddle) (Lynn Holsclaw)
18. Galop
19. Isle of Fyn / Fyns polka
20. Mor, jeg skal tisse – Ude på landet (fiddle) (Mary Lamb)
21. Devil’s Dream (fiddle)
22. Quadrille no 2 (fiddle) (Mary Lamb)
23. New Four Part Waltz (fiddle) (Mary Lamb)
24. Polka in two keys (fiddle) (Mary Lamb)
25. Solo Polka (Lynn Holsclaw)
26. Brand New Schottish (Lynn Holsclaw)
Chris Jerup: Fiddle, accordion
Mary Lamb (daughter): Pump organ
Lynn Holsclaw (friend): Guitar
All tracks Traditional
Cover art: Ronni Kot Wenzell
Recording: Dwight Lamb
Mix: Jonas Graverholt
Mastering: Søren Oliver Due
Producer: Kristian Bugge
Cat. No. GO0325
Barcode 5705934006238
ISRC : DK 6KA 25 003 01-26
Released jan 2025 by GO Danish Folk Music – Digital only and available at all digital services as iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify, Tidal, emusic, etc
More link to releases, tunebook and background
This recording tells one of the many stories about how music travel from time and place to another – and in this case back again during a period of almost 200 years and 4 generations, from Denmark to USA to Denmark,
From Danish fiddler Kræn Jerup to is his son Chris Jerup, to Chris Jerups daughter and son-in-law Mary and Clarence Lamb to their son Dwight Lamb and to the nowadays standard repertoire of Danish traditional folk bands as Gangspil, Jensen & Bugge among others
Chris Jerup (1872-1961) left Denmark in 1893 for USA. He brought his fiddle, his accordion, and a head full of dance tunes from his home region of Vendsyssel in the northern part of Jutland, DK. His father, Kræn Jerup (1826-1912) had been a fiddler of great reputation in the region Vendsyssel: he’d thatched roofs by day and fiddled at night, -and passed his tunes on to his son Chris.
Chris Jerup landed in Turin, Iowa, USA to work on a farm. Later he moved and got his own farm and family in Moorhead, The Loess Hills in the Southwest of Iowa,
Chris Jerup sold his farm in 1943 and moved in at his daughter Mary lamb, his son-in law Clarance Lamb. and their 12-year-old son Dwight Lamb. Mary played the pump organ (also on the recording) and Clarance played the fiddle.
Dwigt Lamb.(1934-2024) grow up in a musical family with his grandfathers Danish repertoire playing the fiddle and accordion. It’s also Dwight Lamb who has made this recording of his grandfather playing the tunes accompanied by his mother and a friend of the house.
Dwight lamb and his Danish repertoire was discovered in Denmark around 2006.
In 2008 the Danish musicians Mette Kathrine Jensen and Kristian Bugge manage to meet up for the first time with Dwight at the Nisswa-Stämman Scandinavian Folk Music Festival in Minnesota.
After that they have continued enjoying playing concert together in DK and USA
Dwight is considered a “source” musician for his “Missouri Valley” style of fiddling and his Danish Chris Jerup – repertoire.
In 2017 he was awarded a National Fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts. In Denmark got the recognition title “Rigsspillemand” for preserving the traditional folk music. His work is available at Missouri Valley Music and www.folkshop.dk
Dwight passed away in 2024, but his performances and repertoire are widely documented and to great inspiration for the new generation of traditional folk musicians.
These unique, old recordings from the 1950s were recently found, have been edited, cleaned and mastered and are now being released to the public for the first time.
An important and famous piece of Danish music history is now getting a soundtrack available for everybody and we’re very happy and excited to be able to add the collection of these excellent old recordings.