6 dansk- og 6 engelsksprogede sange indspillet årene 2017 mellem til 2023.
3 af sangene er tidligere udgivet som singler og andre 3 er tidligere indspillet af duoen
Christensen & Kanne, men kommer nu i nyindspillet og let omarrangeret version i Folkband regi.
Vi startede som Christensen & Kanne og da de to Oler kom med så blev vi til et helt folkband … deraf navnet 😉 Nu har vi snart været et folkband i ti år og vi har opbygget et pænt lille publikum på Sjælland og fyn – men vi venter stadig på det helt store gennembrud i Jylland….- men – vi drømmer stadig.
Udgives digitalt samt fysisk CD
Christensen & Kanne Folkband er
Jens Glindorf Christensen: Lead vocal, guitar
Ole Holst Andersen: Bass, keyboard, vocals
Axel Prütz Kanne: Guitar, Dobro, Ukulele, vocals
Ole Pettersson: Guitar, mandolin, oktavmandolin, vocals
1. Nattog (Thorstein Thomsen / Jens G. Christensen)
2. Øl og Ål (Ålefiskerens sang, Anders Roland)
3. Endelig Forår (Christensen & Kanne)
4. Mit stille sted (Christensen & Kanne)
5. Luftens betvinger (Christensen & Kanne)
6. Gennemsnitlig glad (Christensen & Kanne)
7. Mary (Barry Gee / Jens G. Christensen)
8. The Ballad of John Williams (Johnny MacEvoy)
9. I’ll tell it to your face (Barry Gee)
10. The Mountains of Mourne (Sir Percy French / Traditional)
11. The Ballad of Sam Stone (John Prine)
12. Leave her Johnny (Traditionel sea shanty)
6 songs with English text and 6 songs with Danish text recorded over the years 2017 to 2023.
3 of the songs are released earlier as singles and other 3 of the songs on the album is earlier recorded by the duo Christensen & Kanne, but now new recorded and arranged by the band Christensen & Kanne Folkband
The band started up as the duo Christensen & Kanne. Later joined Ole Petterson and Ole Holst Andersen and they became the Christensen & Kanne Folkband.
The Folkband is based on the island of Zealand and over the last 10 years they now have a fantastic and growing audience on the 2 major DK islands of Zeeland and Funen. – still hoping for a breakthrough on the mainland Jutland. – Still dreaming