English text below
Det dansk/islandske band Krauka udgiver deres 8. fuldlængde album; Heimkoma.
Heimkoma indeholder 10 nye sange flot indkapslet i Kraukas signaturlyd, der er en unik blanding af nordiske viking-inspirerede traditioner og verdens- og folkemusik. Albummet indeholder udelukkende originale kompositioner, med en blanding af nyskrevne og traditionelle sange med tekster på islandsk.
“Vi er glæder os til at udgive pladen. Den er en fortsættelse af vores univers, myten, asetroen, eventyret, sagaerne, utopien og mennesket.” Dette er rygraden i Kraukas univers, siger Gudjon Gudmundsson.
”Vi har haft god tid denne gang til at skabe et unikt album. Mens alt var lukket ned, åbnede Krauka op, – vi har sjældent været bedre rustet til at gå i studiet”, siger han og smiler.
Krauka er en folk- world- og vikingeinspireret musikgruppe fra Danmark og Island. Kvædemandssang, strygelyre, jødeharpe, cello, skalmeje, oktavmandolin, blok- overtone- og benfløjter danner sammen med elbas og trommesæt et magisk og særegent lydunivers. Musikken er inspireret af gamle nordiske melodier og islandsk sang tradition, mens lyrikken har rødder i nordisk mytologi. Krauka har spillet sammen siden 1999 og udgivet musik på cd, vinyl og streaming.
Krauka består af:
Gudjon Rudolf Gudmundsson: Leadvokal
Søren Sol Koldsen-Zederkof: Bas & kor
Aksel Striim: Skalmeje, strygelyre, træblæsere & kor
Søren Andersen: Trommer og kor
Jens Villy Pedersen: Lyre, mandolin, træblæsere og kor
Køb Vinylen i vores folkshop.dk her
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Danish/Icelandic band Krauka release April 12th their 8th full-length album Heimkoma (Home coming).
Heimkoma contains 10 new songs beautifully encapsulated in Krauka’s signature sound, which is a unique blend of Nordic Viking-inspired traditions and world and folk music. The album contains only original compositions, with a mix of newly written and traditional songs with lyrics in Icelandic.
“We are looking forward to releasing the record. It is a continuation of our universe, myth, superstition, adventure, sagas, utopia and man.” This is the backbone of Krauka’s universe, says Gudjon Gudmundsson. “We’ve had plenty of time this time to create a unique album. While everything was closed down, Krauka opened up – we’ve rarely been better equipped to go into the studio”, he says and smiles.
Krauka is a folk-world and Viking-inspired music group from Denmark and Iceland. Quince song, string lyre, jew’s harp, cello, skalmeje, octave mandolin, recorder, overtone and flutes together with electric bass and drum kit form a magical and distinctive sound universe. The music is inspired by old Nordic melodies and Icelandic song tradition, while the lyrics have roots in Nordic mythology. Krauka has been playing together since 1999 and releasing music on CD, vinyl and streaming.
Krauka is:
Gudjon Rudolf Gudmundsson: Lead vocals,
Søren Sol Koldsen-Zederkof: Bass & vocals,
Aksel Striim: Skalmeje, stringed lyre, woodwinds & backingvocals,
Søren Andersen: Drums, percussion and backingvocals,
Jens Villy Pedersen: Lyre, mandolin, woodwinds and choir
Buy the Vinyl here in our webshop folkshop.dk
Stream digital at your digital service
Album facts:
Titel: Heimkoma
Artist : Krauka
Cat no GO0523LP
Barcode : 5705934005088
LC code 09240
ISRC DK 6KA 23 00501-10
All songs composed and arranged by Krauka.
All lyrics by Krauka. Except * track 1, 3, 4 Traditional Icelandic lyrics
All songs recorded at Lydstudiet I Fiirgaarde Recorded by Søren Bigum
Mixed by Søren Andersen
Produced by Søren Andersen & Søren Bigum
Recorded Lydstudiet I Fiirgaarde
Mastered by Thomas Keller Hansen
Artwork, Layout & photos by Ulrik Bahne Samsøe Figen
3. single: KRAUKA- Mansöngur GO0523-3

Danish/Icelandic band Krauka presents the third single ”Mansöngur” from their upcoming album ”Heimkoma”:
Album release Vinyl + Digital Friday April 12th.
The Latin-inspired beat and seductive bassline establish an exceptionally groovy foundation, while a cheeky and sultry cello enters, setting the stage for the lead vocals that practically spit out the provocative lyrics about man and woman. This track is a remarkably successful amalgamation of Icelandic, folk, roots, world, and groove. The riff-like themes kicks off with the flute and cello, before being warmly but firmly taken over by the mandolin, and during the song’s breakdown, the Jew’s harp, the bass and percussion seamlessly blend into a sort of organic techno fusion.
The single truly encapsulates and expands Krauka’s signature sound, which is a unique blend of Nordic Viking-inspired traditions and folk/roots music inspired by old Nordic melodies and Icelandic song tradition and lyrics with roots in Nordic mythology.
Krauka has been playing together since 1999 and releasing music on CD, vinyl, and streaming.
Krauka consists of: Gudjon Rudolf Gudmundsson (Lead vocals), Søren Sol Koldsen-Zederkof (Bass & vocals), Aksel Striim (Skalmeje, stringed lyre, woodwinds & backing vocals), Søren Andersen (Drums, percussion, and backing vocals), Jens Villy Pedersen (Lyre, mandolin, woodwinds, and choir).
2. single: KRAUKA- Ákall GO0523-2

Danish/Icelandic band Krauka presents the second single ”Ákall” from their upcoming album ”Heimkoma”:
“The pulsating beat and groove lay the groundwork for an almost fairy-tale-like flute, while a majestic vocal emerges from the mountains, soaring like a divine voice from the north.”
The single truly encapsulates Krauka’s signature sound, which is a unique blend of Nordic Viking-inspired traditions and folk/roots music inspired by old Nordic melodies and Icelandic song tradition and lyrics with roots in Nordic mythology.
Ny single: KRAUKA- Brjóstbyrta GO0523-1

Det dansk/ islandske band Krauka præsentere her den første single Brjóstbyrta fra deres kommende album. Denne single og kommende albumudgivelse kommer i rækken af tidligere mange udgivelser. Krauka har spillet sammen siden 1999.
Singlen præsenterer Kraukas kendte signaturlyd – den unikke blendede lyd at nordisk/viking folk tradition og den islandske sangtradition baseret på den nordiske mytologi
Danish/Icelandic band Krauka presents the first single ”Brjóstbyrta” from their upcoming album ”Heimkoma”:
The single truly encapsulates Krauka’s signature sound, which is a unique blend of Nordic Viking-inspired traditions and folk/roots music inspired by old Nordic melodies and Icelandic song tradition and lyrics with roots in Nordic mythology.
Krauka has been playing together since 1999 and releasing music on CD, vinyl, and streaming.
Krauka consists of:
Gudjon Rudolf Gudmundsson (Lead vocals),
Søren Sol Koldsen-Zederkof (Bass & vocals),
Aksel Striim (Skalmeje, stringed lyre, woodwinds & backing vocals),
Søren Andersen (Drums, percussion, and backing vocals),
Jens Villy Pedersen (Lyre, mandolin, woodwinds, and choir).