Eirik Moland (N) – Mats Lindblad (S) – Arthur Vetvik (N) -Signe Wang Carlsen (DK)

Nordskær spiller ny nordisk folkemusik og udgiver her deres debut EP med egne numre
Siden deres debuten ved Vendsyssel Festival i 2014 har orkesteret spillet rundt omkring i Norden med koncerter i kirker, klubber og på festivaler. Nordskær spiller egne kompositioner, svenske polskaer, norske hallinger og dansk spillemandsmusik alt sammen med en god del humor, skæve rytmer og et strejf af dyster vildskab.
Eirik Moland (N) : Harmonika, synthesizer og percussion
Mats Lindblad (S): Guitar og mandolin
Arthur Vetvik (N): Violin
Signe Wang Carlsen (DK): Bas og percussion
Released Digital & Physical – Info and direct link to folkshop here
Nordskær play new Nordic folk music and release their debut EP
Since their debut at the Vendsyssel Festival in 2014, the orchestra has played around the Nordic region with concerts in churches, clubs and festivals. Nordskær plays his own compositions, Swedish polskas, Norwegian hallings and Danish fiddler’s music, all together with a good deal of humor, quirky rhythms and a touch of grim savagery.
- Tider på Rolvsøy (Eirik Moland) 5:41
- Yngerns Öga (Mats Lindblad) 3:51
- Så godt som…. (Eirik Moland) 3:23
- Kveld (Eirik Moland) 5:30

Eirik Moland (N): Harmonica, synthesizer and percussion
Born Saltdal in Northern Norway. Composer, musician and studied composition at the Norwegian Academy of Music in Oslo and moved to Denmark in 1988. He has been part of the Scandinavian folk music scene for over 30 years. With his catchy and original compositions, Eirik is the architect behind Nordskær’s expression, and in his combination of accordion and synthesizer meet tradition and innovation.

Mats Lindblad (S): Guitar and mandolin
Born in Järna just outside Stockholm. Mats has lived in Denmark since 1995, he is trained in classical guitar in S, DK, USA and England. Since then, the mandolin and the lyre have been added. In the band Nordskær, Mats has gradually developed a great sound and tonal breadth: from beautiful classical guitar playing to raw distortion, drones and experimental sound surfaces.

Arthur Vetvik (N): Violin
Born in and grew up in Bergen. Arthur moved to Denmark in 2014. He is trained as a classical violinist in Oslo and Prague and performs as a soloist in many different contexts. Arthur has always been interested in folk music, and Nordskær benefits from his expressive and virtuosic violin playing, which helps to define the contrasts in Nordskær’s sound

Signe Wang Carlsen (DK): Bass and percussion
Born and raised a little north of Aalborg and thus bears the title of Nordskær’s only native Vendelbo. She is qualified as a Master of Rhythmic Studies at the North Jutland Music Conservatory. Signe has extensive experience from live stages all over Denmark and has played many different genres within rhythmic music. In the band Nordskær, her fretless electric bass forms the basis of the music with its soft contrabass sound and funky sharpness added to improvisation.