Artist: Rune Barslund
Komponist: Traditionel, Irland
Arrangement: Rune Cygan Barslund
This song is from the new sheet music book “Celtic Music for Free-Bass Accordion” by accordion player Rune Barslund, The tunebook is available in our folkshop.dk by this link
Ny Single #4: Rune Barslund – celtic arccordion – O’Carolan’s Air GO0823-4

Artist: Rune Barslund
Komponist: Traditionel, Irland
Arrangement: Rune Cygan Barslund
This song is from the new sheet music book “Celtic Music for Free-Bass Accordion” by accordion player Rune Barslund, The tunebook is available in our folkshop.dk by this link
Single #3: Rune Barslund – celtic arccordion – Ae Fond Kiss GO0823-3

Single #3: Rune Barslund – celtic arccordion – Ae Fond Kiss GO0823-3
Artist: Rune Barslund
Tracktitel: Ae Fond Kiss
Composer: John Michael Diack/Traditional Scotland
Arrangement: Rune Cygan Barslund
This song is from the new sheet music book “Celtic Music for Free-Bass Accordion” by accordion player Rune Barslund,
Ae Fond Kiss is a poem by the world-famous Scottish poet Robert Burns. During 1787-1788 he had a relationship with a beautiful woman called Agnes Maclehose, known to her friends as “Nancy”. It is widely thought that Robert and Agnes relationship was only platonic because Agnes was married and they only ever shared one kiss even though Burns was keen to consummate the relationship. They wrote many passionate love letters and poetry to one another using the pseudonyms Sylvander and Clarinda to keep their relationship secret. Robert wrote Ae Fond Kiss after their final meeting and sent it to Agnes before she moved to Jamaica. Burns died five years later and they never saw each other again.
Despite having outlived Robert by 45 years, Agnes always treasured the memories of their time together. Under the date, 6th of December 1831, she wrote in her journal: “This day I can never forget. Parted with Burns, in the year 1791, never more to meet in this world. Oh, may we meet in heaven!”
Single #2: Rune Barslund – celtic arccordion – An Ciarraíoch Mallathe GO0823-2
Rune Barslund- An Ciarraíoch Mallaithe (Traditionel fra Irland)
Arrangement: Rune Cygan Barslund
An Ciarraíoch Mallaithe (The Cursed Kerryman)
This song is from the new sheet music book “Celtic Music for Free-Bass Accordion” by accordion player Rune Barslund,
The tunebook is available in our folkshop.dk by this link
The song tells the story of a rich woman named Mary who falls in love with a very charming man from County Kerry, Ireland. He seduces her with songs, flute playing and promises her a life full of adventure, music and dance if she will come away with him. She ends up selling all her goods and with her head full of dreams she surrenders the money into the Kerryman’s care. She packs her bag, closes up her house and waits for the man to come round so they can leave together. Unfortunately, he had run away with all of her money and he never came back. Mary is of course devastated to learn that she has been deceived and left with a broken heart and no money.
Ny Single: Rune Barslund – The Parting Glass GO0823-1

This is the first recorded track from the new musicbook “Celtic Music For Free-Bass Accordion” by the accordeonist Rune Barslund. The traditional Scottish tune The Parting Glass
This is how the author play the original arrangements of the book and its 11 popular songs and slow airs from Ireland and Scotland, as well as four compositions by the author. Some arrangements solely feature the free-bass system while others combine both free-bass and Stradella bass.