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Flaskepost På Himlen er Villads Hoffmans første soloalbum . – Al musikken er således også skrevet, arrangeret og spillet af Villads Hoffmann.

“Flaskepost På Himlen” (Danish for message in a bottle in the sky) is Villads Hoffmanns debut solo album. All the music is even composed, arranged and played by Villads Hoffmann, except a single piece composed by J.S Bach,
Villads Hoffmann is an award winning musician on the Nordic folk music scene. He also performs with Stundom (fka. Elmøe & Hoffmann), Tailcoat, Víík and Penny Pascal. He has won the Talent of the Year Prize at Danish Music Awards Folk 2015 (with Elmøe & Hoffmann) and was nominated Musician of the Year in 2019, and Roots Name of the Year (with Stundom) in 2020.
All tracks on the album are composed by Villads Hoffmann except track 6, which is composed by Johann Sebastian Bach.
The album is recorded at the Academy of Music and Drama in Gothenburg.
Cittern, guitar and vocals: Villads Hoffmann
Mix and master: Villads Hoffmann
Album artwork and photos: Villads Hoffmann
Website: villadshoffmann.com
Side A
- Ildfødt
- Til Aske
- Fantasten
- Neonhimlen
- Neonnatten
Side B
- Partita No. 3 in E-major, BWV 1006 Preludio
- Årets Første
- Kyrkogatan
- Til Det Grønne
- Solgænger