Familjen Carr – Familjen Carr anno 2024 GO1524 (CD+digital)

5 skånske ”Riksspillemän” i mange variationer

Laif, Ninni, Elna, Ale og Alma – ”Vi er helt unikke med 5 ”Riksspillemän” i samme familie!!!! Der er ingen som os i hele verden!!”.

Titlen “Riksspillemän” er en svensk anerkendelsestitel ”Riksspillemän” er den person, der har modtaget Anders Zorns sølvmærke (Zornmärket i sølv) eller Zornmärket i guld.

”Nu er det mere end 10 år siden, vi indspillede vores første plade, og et mål er nået! Alle fem familiemedlemmer kan nu kalde sig ”Riksspillemän”  og er “på toppen”. Derfor har vi lavet et udvalg af yndlingssange, som vi gerne vil dele med dig. Det var en dejlig blanding. Vi havde det så sjovt med at filme. At samle alle og lege sammen med hele familien er en speciel følelse. Vi tror, ​​vi kan få mange mennesker til at danse.

Denne cd er kommet til at fokusere på sange, som Laif har lavet eller spillet meget. Som vi tænker; nogle af de bedste sange i verden! Det er helt OK at kalde dine sange for “verdens bedste”, for i skabelsesøjeblikket er de netop det. -Ellers var de selvfølgelig lavet anderledes?”

Nu er den tilgængelig både som fysisk CD i vores folkshop.dk
eller digitalt på alle tjenester.

Laif – Denne karismatiske ægte spillemand, der elsker at vise sig frem, blev ”Riksspillemän” i 1995 på træskoviolin og er en mester i at danse, rytmisk, improvisatorisk, spændende og fortæller altid en vidunderlig historie i spil og tale.

Ninni – Spiller violin, gedehorn, synger og danser. Elsker at spille andenstemme til Laif og optræde for publikum. Bliver aldrig så glad, som når hun kommer til at lege, det plejer at ses i hele hendes krop!

Elna – Virtuos violinist, der er uddannet solistdiplom ved Musikkonservatoriet i København. Opdraget med folkemusik i familien sideløbende med Suzuki-skolens klassiske uddannelse.

Ale – Multiinstrumentalisten, der komponerer dejlige sange på samlebånd. Spiller citer, guitar, oud, ukulele, violin, træsko violin og synger.

Alma – Spiller sopranino, sopran, altblokfløjte, tenorfløjte, diverse folkefløjter og synger og danser meget. En diamant i det rå med kærlighed, spontanitet og et glimt i øjet.

Recorded JFK Studio by Frederik Kronbäck
Mix and master by August Wanngren
Produced by Ninni Carr
Layout Laif CarrGrafic Göran Bergqvist
Photo credit Carr
Cat no: GO1524
ISRC : DK-6KA 24 01501-16
LC code: 09240
Barcode: 5705934006047
Released digital and as physical CD by GO Danish Folk Music

English text

5 “Riksspillemän” (national fiddlers) in many variations.

Laif, Ninni, Elna, Ale and Alma – We are completely unique with 5 “Riksspillemän” (national fiddlers) in the same family!!!! – There is no one like us in the whole world!!.

The title “Riksspillemän” is a Swedish recognition title. “Riksspillemän” is a traditional musician who has received Anders Zorn’s silver mark (Zornmärket in silver) or Zornmärket in gold.

In Skåne, at the very southern part of Sweden and across the narrow “Øresund” to Denmark live a unique musical family. Skåne has historical a connection to Denmark and the family Carr also.

“Now it is more than 10 years since we recorded our first record and a goal has been reached! All five family members can now call themselves “Riksspilmän” and are “on top”. Therefore, we have made a selection of favorite songs that we want to share with you. It was a lovely mix. We had so much fun filming. Gathering everyone and playing together with the whole family is a special feeling. We think we can get a lot of people dancing.

This CD present mainly songs that Laif has done or plays a lot. As we think; some of the best songs in the world! It’s perfectly OK to call your songs “the best in the world”, because in the moment of creation they are just that. -Otherwise, of course, they would have been made differently?”

Now available as physical CD at our folkshop.dk
and/or digital on all services .

Laif – This charismatic genuine fiddler, who loves to show himself off, became “Riksspelmän” in 1995 on wooden shoe fiddle and is a master of dancing, rhythmic, improvisational, exciting and always tells a wonderful story in playing and speech.

Ninni – Plays the violin, goat horn, sings, and dances. Loves playing second part to Laif and performing for audiences. Never gets as happy as when she gets to play, it usually shows in her whole body!

Elna – Virtuoso violinist who graduated as Soloist Diploma at the Music Conservatory in Copenhagen. Brought up with folk music in the family in parallel with the Suzuki school’s classical education.

Ale – The multi-instrumentalist who composes lovely songs. Plays the zither, guitar, oud, ukulele, violin, wooden shoe fiddle and sings.

Alma – Plays sopranino, soprano, alto recorder, tenor flute, various folk flutes and sings and dances a lot. A diamond in the rough with love, spontaneity and a twinkle in the eye.

Track notes

01. Torekovs polskan Trad
We were so happy when we found a song from Torekov. It is a lovely Polish with many qualities. It has become many people’s favorite song! It can also be used as a minuet, it is then played with emphasis 123,123etc.

02 .Oldemors gammelvals by Laif Carr
A song for my mother who loves waltz. She got it for her 70th birthday.

03 O. Andersson’s resultat trad by Olof Andersson
It was in the early 1900s that Olof completed the project of traveling all over Sweden to document all the fiddler’s song material. There were 24 books! So you can assume that this song is a kind of sum of all the others, right?

04 Staffans minne By Laif Carr
A melody with a funny story: The song was made and taught to the fiddler team, it didn’t stick in the repertoire back then. Ten years later, Staffan came to a training session, he was eager to play, but had not played during his break. He found some fragments, which definitely “sounded familiar” and the song could then be reconstructed. -Thank you Staffan!

05 Kalaspolka By Laif Carr/trad
Why is it called that? Yes, because it is excellent if you want to spread some positive energy! Just to troll along.

06 Gislövsvalsen Trad. according to sheet music Olivia Olsson in Gislöv
Such a fun song that fits perfectly in nursing homes. Happiness is when you get the ladies, or the staff, to sing along to “You will never be mine” and “I want you” Just right flabby

07 Vinterschottis By Laif Carr
hm, cool song it would be, that was counted cold. A little ice cream truck in the B part gave the frosty character that was sought. It would be a shot IS

08 Skilsmässomarschen By Laif Carr
Bridal marches should be solemn and have the right atmosphere. The bride and groom who received this, however, divorced shortly after. It’s easier to get a song together than a happy marriage. The song has been reused, with good results on a later occasion.

09 Bäckahästgaloppen & 09. Omstämda valsen By Laif Carr
Thanks for us! Hope you had a good time with our music! This song came about as a competition entry for a big fiddler’s competition in Mora. Now they know that the neck can be a horse too. It requires quite advanced playing technique when you have to get to the gallop. The waltz after, however, everyone can play! The violin is tuned; A E a ciss

10 Laifs körare By Laif Carr
In Skåne, sometimes “Körare” is played if you want speed on the floor. You then dance Polish steps to the 2 bar music. Then it can’t go fast enough. It works fine on major instruments!

11 Polska By Laif Carr
The song just happened to be in a violin that was being tested in the instrument workshop. Some songs don’t get a special name, just like so many others in the tradition. But music is everywhere. “Oops, here was another Polish”.

12 Bugges morgonpolka By Laif Carr
A resilient fiddler friend received the song on his 30th birthday with the explanation that at that age not everything is so obvious anymore. The morning starts with a polka to check which body functions you can count on for the coming day. Here we play “Multi age version”.

13 Ja e so gla’ Trad
Here all the wooden shoe violins come to the fore. To think there was a song that suited us so well! We have only added the last verse.

14 Berndtssons vals Trad Per Joel Berndtsson
Per Joel Berndtsson’s family was similar to ours in various ways. Stuck in another time. He had music as his lifeblood and nourishment. He played with his wife and all his children. We have chosen the waltz from his fantastic collection of songs.

15 Tjo va det viftar Trad
A tribute song to the music and of course to the accordion, which is said to have been written for comedian Gören frau Hyllie who amused so many.

16 Traktorn By Laif Carr
This little song must round off the “concert”, It was a beautiful day at Fredriksdal in Helsingborg. A lot of children were playing in a load of hay attached to a red tractor. Then this one came. The little boys’ eyes light up

More info and contact  www.spelmansgarden.se or at GO Danish Folk Music