in duo with Mads Søndergaard

Lea Havelund har skabt et helt nyt poetisk og virtuost univers, hvor stemmen varmt blander sig med celloen. Hendes klassiske master-uddannelse, instinktive musikalitet og gode øre for al slags musik gør hende til en original komponist og arrangør. Og resultatet er en lyd, som ikke før er hørt.
Lea Havelund har medvirket i talrige musikforestillinger blandt andet på Østre Gasværk, Folketeateret, Malmø Stadsteater og Det kongelige Teater. Hun har bl.a. spillet med den prisvindende violinist Bjarke Falgren, folkemusikgruppen Over Sundet, sangerinden Iris Bergcrantz, bassisten Anders Fjeldsted, vokalgruppen Åkervinda og med Bo Stiefs New Dreams Trio med Poul Halberg og Alex Riel. Adskillige gange har Lea Havelund optrådt som solist med bl.a. Odense Symfoniorkester og hun har mange solokoncerter i de nordiske lande bag sig.
Med sig – i duet – har hun pianisten Mads Søndergaard der startede sit musikalske eventyr på den legendariske jazz-bar Bent J i hans hjemby Århus. I 1998 flyttede han til Holland for at studere klaver på Det kongelige Musikkonservatorium i Haag, hvor han tog eksamen i 2003. Herefter flyttede han til København og begyndte at spille med talløse konstellationer af byens jazzmusikere. Mads er en alsidig musiker som bevæger sig indenfor genrerne ragtime, stride, bebop, singer/songwriter, bossa, pop og alt derimellem. Udover klaver spiller Mads også hammond-orgel og harmonika.
Release schedule November 25th – Sydøst (Single – Digital) January 6th, 2023 – En Dikt (Single – Digital) January 16/20, 2023 – Ventede ven (Full album- CD & digital) |
Release koncerter
16. januar Kirsebergsyrkan, Malmø (SE)
22. januar Viften, Rødovre (DK)
24. januar Johannes Døbers Kirke, Valby (DK)
The physical CD is available and distributed at mayor world music Internet shops worldwide as our music shop
and digital at all services as iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify, Tidal, emusic, etc.
Album: Ventede ven – in duo with Mads Søndergaard
Artist: Lea Havelund, cello and vocal
Guest: Mads Søndergaard, piano and accordion
Composer and text: Lea Havelund except track 11 traditional
Arrangement: Lea Havelund
Catalogue no: GO0123
Barcode: 5705934004838
ISRC DK6KA23001 01-11
LC code 09240
Recorded in ’The Village’ April 2022 by Thomas Vang.
Produced by Lea Havelund
Mixed by Thomas Vang.
Mastered by David Elberling.
Cover Art by Katrine Skovgaard.
Photos by Kristoffer Juel Poulsen and Jonas Lyngdam.
Available as CD and Digital
Thanks to Frimodt-Heineke Fonden for financial support.
Youtube vidoer–
En Dikt
Ventede Ven
Mere info og kontakt: eller GO Danish Folk Music
Lea Havelund has created a new poetic and virtuosic universe, where the voice warmly mixes with the cello. Her classical master’s education, instinctive musicality, and good ear for all kinds of music make her an original composer and arranger. And the result is a sound that has not been heard before.
Lea Havelund has participated in numerous musical performances at, among others, Østre Gasværk, Folketeateret, Malmø Stadsteater and Det kongelige Teater. She has, among other things, played with the award-winning violinist Bjarke Falgren, the folk music group Over Sundet, the singer Iris Bergcrantz, the bassist Anders Fjeldsted, the vocal group Åkervinda and with Bo Stief’s New Dreams Trio with Poul Halberg and Alex Riel. Several times Lea Havelund has performed as a soloist with, among others, Odense Symphony Orchestra and she has many solo concerts in the Nordic countries behind her.
She is in duet with the pianist Mads Søndergaard, who started his musical adventure at the legendary jazz bar Bent J in his hometown of Aarhus. In 1998 he moved to the Netherlands to study piano at the Royal Conservatory of Music in The Hague, where he graduated in 2003. He then moved to Copenhagen and began playing with numerous constellations with the city’s jazz musicians. Mads is a versatile musician who moves within the genres of ragtime, stride, bebop, singer/songwriter, bossa, pop and everything in between. In addition to the piano, Mads also plays the Hammond organ and accordion.