Ny digital EP
Svenske Jens Ulvsand har udover sin mangeårige medvirken på den danske folkemusikscene i bl.a. orkestre som Trio Mio og Himmerland, også siddet hjemme i Sverige og indspillet musik.
“Normally making records I´m in a context with an ensemble that creates the frames and forms but this time it´s different”
“This is traditional (folk) music where I play duets with myself, totally free to do whatever I find interesting with rhythm, melody and harmonics still with careful respect for musical roots and tradition.
Mixing tradition and improvisation is what create the sound and the melodics, and the fact that there is never more than two voices (instruments) involved, ties it to traditional way of playing folkmusic”
Jens Ulvsand – guitar, tenorguitar and flat back bouzouki
Recorded, mixed and mastered in Blue Crow Studio spring/summer 2022 by Jens Ulvsand